Saturday, December 5, 2009

Nice To Meet You,

My name is Nicholas Taverna. I am currently a senior Economics major attending the State University of New York at Geneseo.

This blog is an attempt to underline interesting statements, share my amateur economic views and perhaps stimulate a conversation concerning economics. I will point to interesting articles I find, as well as pose questions and share opinion. I have no intention for this to trail off into rants or politician-bashing, but I invite any and all to comment. My ultimate goal is to widen my own view of economics and to catalogue any important findings. I may occasionally share something off-topic or personal but intend to keep that sort of thing to a minimum.


  1. Your comments are very interesting. It does help settle fears of hyper-inflation. I was wondering, if the economy might be furthure stimulated if I gave more money to my children, who might then spend it on items? Would this also help avoid deflation and make sure there isn't too much money floating around?

  2. A reduction in savings and an increase in consumption would lead to greater consumption yet less investment, assuming savings=investment (saved money is then lent to investors buying land, factories, etc). However if there is no lending and no borrowing then a lot of that money may not be lent out, meaning that any consumption is probably not significantly reducing investment, thus causing greater production (GDP), expanding the economy.

  3. Hey Nick!

    A blog is a great idea and I wish you well. From time to time I'll be posting questions and comments. Hopefully you can help me better understand economics.

    Thanks for the blog and good luck!
